Saturday, July 20, 2013


It is so quiet in my house. Too quiet. Last week my kiddos stayed the week with my aunt. Every year they go down to her house to go to VBS. It is at the church I went to until I moved an hour north of there in Kindergarten. Two of them are too old to actually participate, so they are just helpers. My son is completely ok with that because it means he doesn't have to get up on stage and perform on parents night. After staying with my aunt they came home for a few days.

My mother in law came into town. She currently lives a few states away, but still owns a house here. Since she doesn't get to see the kids very often, they are staying a few nights with her. All of that mixed with my husband either working or being in training makes for a house that is too quiet! Sure, I love alone time once in a while. I am so used to three kids running up and down stairs, asking for something approximately every 2.4 minutes. I am used to my husband being home during the day. I know I really shouldn't be complaining.

So what have I done with my time? I wish I could say I went on a 5 mile hike or wrote 4 pages in my book. I haven't been on a hike in years and I'm not writing a book. I did read some in my doula books though. I did laundry, washed dishes, caught up on some tv. The life of this almost 27+7 year old is pretty routine. It is so much better when the kids and my hubs are here to enjoy it with me.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Birth of a Kidney Stone

One of the topics that you all wanted me to cover was kidney stones. I am battling them again. The first one I ever had was when I was 22, not long after my 3rd child was born. I have had the wonderful opportunity to suffer from them approximately every 6 months. If you have never had one (lucky you!!) it feels a bit like a baby trying to claw its way out of your kidney. Or so I have been told, I had c-sections. I went to the ER at one hospital about a week and a half ago. I was told I had multiple. Yippee skippee! I saw my family care doctor, who referred me to a urologist. One I have seen before, actually. The urologist says since it has been a few years since I have been in, I need a CT. They made my PCP schedule my CT. Of course it was at a hospital that I wouldn't trust clipping my toe nails. I wait in the radiology waiting room and they forget about me. They thought I was a lady in there waiting for her hour and a half to be up since drinking her nasty fluid. The tech at least apologized. I began to get very nauseous and the pain was up there on the sad to elated face scale. The one with a 1 being Happy Dance, the 10 being like your body was set on fire. So I walk over to the ER. Luckily my husband had got off work and came up to the hospital with me. Labs, fluids, zofran, toridol, and morphine later, I am on my way. I still have several so now it is just a waiting game.

So what causes these wonderful little invaders? I caught a few when I had my lithotripsy a few years back. That is when they use the waves to break up the stones. It feels like you are getting punched in the back over and over again for an hour. I had a bruise after it. My DR told me I have calcium stones. He explained that it wasn't because I had to much calcium (I don't drink milk), but I eat too much sodium. So no more frozen dinners, no more canned soup, no more salt shaker. But I still get them. So does my mother in law whose diet is completely different than mine. The woman hasn't had a sip of caffeine in her entire life. If I knew what was causing them I would change!!

So what do these tiny little guys look like? You're thinking how can something that is 2mm REALLY cause that much pain? Here is a snapshot of one courtesy for Google.

If you have any ideas or tips on how to prevent these boogers pretty please with sugar on top let me know! Right about now if someone told me to stand on my head, rotate 180 degrees counter clockwise, all while drinking vinegar, I may actually try it. For now I am going to rest, drink some water, and take a mild pain pill.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Whats in a name?

Yes, I changed my alias. The last one changed everything including my gmail account. Until I figure out how to fix all of that, it will be Rae Ellis.
Howdy y'all! I have decided that it is time to start a blog. It always takes me forever to choose a name. Also, I need this blog to be as anonymous as possible. I am going to ask for those who know me not to use my real name in your comments please.

Let me tell you a bit about myself.  I have a husband I love dearly and three awesome kiddos. We have been married 15 years! I homeschool my children, next year will be our 5th year. I am a bit scared because my son will be in high school. Last year we moved out to the country. I wish I was more of a homesteader than I am. I love crafts and homemade things. You will be getting photos of those things in the future, you lucky people! We have plenty of land for the kids to play in. It is so peaceful out here.

I love Christ. I made a commitment to him when I was 7. I grew up in one denomination. When I got married I converted to another. I have not always walked with Christ. I never did anything bad, like steal a car or anything. But sin is sin. I have been to so many different churches. Some I liked, some not so much. So right now I am searching (again). 

Thanks for reading my first post! Leave me a comment and let me know what kind of things you want me to talk about in the future.