Saturday, July 20, 2013


It is so quiet in my house. Too quiet. Last week my kiddos stayed the week with my aunt. Every year they go down to her house to go to VBS. It is at the church I went to until I moved an hour north of there in Kindergarten. Two of them are too old to actually participate, so they are just helpers. My son is completely ok with that because it means he doesn't have to get up on stage and perform on parents night. After staying with my aunt they came home for a few days.

My mother in law came into town. She currently lives a few states away, but still owns a house here. Since she doesn't get to see the kids very often, they are staying a few nights with her. All of that mixed with my husband either working or being in training makes for a house that is too quiet! Sure, I love alone time once in a while. I am so used to three kids running up and down stairs, asking for something approximately every 2.4 minutes. I am used to my husband being home during the day. I know I really shouldn't be complaining.

So what have I done with my time? I wish I could say I went on a 5 mile hike or wrote 4 pages in my book. I haven't been on a hike in years and I'm not writing a book. I did read some in my doula books though. I did laundry, washed dishes, caught up on some tv. The life of this almost 27+7 year old is pretty routine. It is so much better when the kids and my hubs are here to enjoy it with me.

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