Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oh Baby!

As some (all?) of you know, I am training to be a doula. Last weekend I was able to attend my first birth. I can't give specifics in order to keep the birth confidential. It was truly the most amazing experience ever! I had 3 c-sections. I always felt kind of jipped out of a natural birth. I instantly felt less of a woman too. Like my body couldn't do its job. Now I know that is no way true, but in the brink of hormones it was easy to feel that way. This was like seeing a miracle right before my eyes. I feel like this is what the Lord is calling me to do. I can't put a finger on why I feel that way. Maybe it is the peace I feel when I think about it. Nothing in the Bible said, "Rae! Do this!" I wish it would, though. That would make things so much easier sometimes! I am in the middle of my training. It includes LOTS of reading, essays, attending births, more essays, more reading, and taking a big test. Then I get officially certified. There is not a national standard for doula certification. It is basically whatever the company decides to use for their curriculum. I am using Childbirth International. So far I like it a lot. I can't wait to find some workshops around here. Besides natural birth, I am interested in hypnobirth and breastfeeding. I definitely need a refresher in that. Since my babes were premature we never got breastfeeding down. I pumped and bottle fed for weeks and weeks and weeks. Go ahead, ask me how fun that was! Well worth it though. So if you know anyone who is pregnant and would benefit from a free doula (during my training), please let me know! Pass the word along, have them contact me. Or if you are pregnant yourself, let me know!

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